Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023

Hopefully these volumes are well researched and void of speculation. I say this because some things we do know from empirical observations, while some things are still not fully known.

As for me I'm a former chairman of Genesis, the Swedish Creation Association, which strictly adhere to the biblical truths (not all Christians thinks this part of the biblical message is important, or even true) .

The Swedish Genesis Association sticks to the biblical truths even when so called science thinks they have other "better" answers (but empirical facts are often conflated with secular/atheist SCIENTIST'S mere speculations, without compelling support from _empirical_ science, which is not the same as pseudo scientific _philosophical_ speculations full of "maybe", "perhaps", "possibly" which many scientific papers are full of).

I'm also a father of seven children, which was the main reason I started to look more seriously into these questions (to protect them from indoctrination in the secular public schools in Sweden). They all kept their faith through school and also through higher education such as engineers in biochemistry, microbiology and bioinformatics, etc. Instead of being "threatened" by secular pseudo scientific claims they did fairly well in refuting so many self-refuting claims and defending a biblical take on things, which ALWAYS conform with empirical science (rinsed from mere speculations). Therefore, may God bless your work in translating the material.

You can also find good biblically faithful creation material in English at (I leave out the address to our Swedish association as to not "plug" for it here, and it's all in Swedish anyway) for example icr.org, creation.com, which are two of the most reliable sources out there. Unfortunately not all creation sites are very careful about what they publish, which at times opens up for serious criticism from the secular world, sometimes even for good reasons. And such criticism - if motivated - is more harmful than any unfounded speculative propaganda by the Darwinists since it really induces doubts in the minds if they find out that they cannot fully trust their teachers.

The fantastic truth is however that such scientific knowledge which we know for a fact is perfectly in line with the word of God is more than enough to strengthen faith, to rejoice about and to persuade anyone who can be persuaded. Therefore there's also really no need for us to speculate (in scientific terms) about such (material) things that hasn't yet been empirically established.

And important is of course that some things can never be scientifically proven simply because they are immaterial, or spiritual truths. But the entire creation witness about our Creator God and what he has done, which in itself is reason enough to trust God's words also when he speaks about the spiritual things.

In Christ,

// Rolf, from Sweden

Edit: Corrected the link to icr.org (from .com)

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Where can I buy a set in the original Russian?

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Yes, I would be willing to help crowdfund something like this.

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I am also keen on comparing the modern science and the Biblical witnesses of creation of the World. I am a Russian speaker but it is a great thing if this book will be translated into English!

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This would be a very welcome addition to our collection of supporting literature and documentation

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Absolutely interested... ... that the author is also an archaeologist is good... I am deeply interested in how our ancestors managed to survive the challenges of changing environments and climates... followed A.P. Okladnikov's writings on his many years of digging in Siberia... he found man lived there back 1.4 million years... ... in China 2.1 million years... the last 2 million years there were so many ice ages... and interstadials... rising anf falling sealevels etc etc... have done a lot of reading on the subject and now want to visit some of these places also see what I can find in museums and bookshop... (in Moscow)... First trip this summer... so yes I am very interested in what these 3 volumes have to say about creationism... as you call it... ... even Darwin thought it was a kind of very sad and soulless if his theory was indeed true... and of course Archaeology uptil very resently had a view of 'early' man being primitive and of lov intelligence .. which is so not true... this fortunately is changing ... People living so many years ago managed to survive hardships we would not survive today... they were very resourceful... and had beliefs in higher powers... ref the rock paintings... etc ... so yes I am very interested in what can be read in those 3 volumes...

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Absolutely. The reality of the created world, described by empirical observational science, points to a Great Designer and Creator!

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