There is no requirement to go down with the sinking ship. I left Obamaland in 2015 for the Philippines. I haven't looked back. My America is dead.

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The question for some is, not where, but with whom. Does one actually want to live with and around a people who have willfully turned their minds and hearts from Our Lord and Savior? Or transact with a people ungrateful and openly contemptuous for all the blessings and vast material wealth made available to them, and in willful ignorance of the great costs inflicted on global humanity to do so? Or corrupt the children with demonic lies and filth? Or that cannot discern male from female? Or call the good evil, and the evil good? When the foundations crumble, what shall the righteous do?

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Agreed. The time has come for us to seek godly neighbors, for it is only in good community that Christian civilization is built and preserved.

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

I have heard so many make that claim; "stay and fight." Like we're judged as not loyal unless if we stay to die for the right to for a nation to murder our babies and practice all sorts of other wickedness. I have children, and if they are orphans the damage may be many fold. I see the value of parents doing what they can to protect their family. My wife likely wouldn't be alive if her family didn't leave Russia when they saw the first revolution of 1905. Shortly after they fled with multi-generations. I know they saw the writing on the wall and wouldn't be surprised if people said the same thing to them... "stay and fight." We all know how that turned out a few years later for those that stayed. Jesus did say that if you are persecuted in one city then flee to the next.

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The America of today is certainly not the same as it was when my ancestors moved there. I had no scruples leaving it. God before country.

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Amen! Fully agreed.

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Sound reasoning, indeed. Since all of us Americans descend from a relatively recent ancestor who pulled up stakes, I think it is our bounden duty *not* to go down with the ship and always be looking for greener pastures. That was the wisdom of our grandfathers. It is our wisdom.

I would just like to add my request that like-minded young men with software develop talents start work on a phone app that will allow you to speak English into a phone and have the phone quickly repeat it in Russian so that a shopkeeper etc. could understand you. That would also help to teach us Russian as we repeatedly heard the Russian for "One loaf of bread, please".

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Very good point! If our forefathers did not hesitate to switch continents when a great opportunity presented itself, then what is stopping us from doing the same?

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Rum, Google Translate already does this. It even has a conversation mode to help two people speak to each other using the app as the interpreter!

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There is already and Android app that does that. Unfortunately it isn't available for the iPhone.

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I am in Canada, because my ancestors left Germany and Russia to avoid conscription, which would contravene their religious objection as pacifists. I am beyond ready to leave, as the Canadian government has been just as coercive. But where to go that has not bought into the globalizing scheme? All of Europe have given up their rights to make decisions for themselves in favour of the EU. The US is almost as bad as Canada, and is a bigger nuclear target, while poking the Bear. It would be a huge financial loss to give up our defined pension, but my young adults are already not excited about their future here. Please pray for us.

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how do people who come from "West" now manage to get their pension checks from their governments? How do they now get their private money now from American banks? If I get a MIR system credit card, I have to have money in russian banks

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There is definitely an argument to stay and help make things better if there is something, a leader, a movement, light at the end of the tunnel. But I have no issue with anyone who doesn't want to stay for whatever reason.

It would be great if you could do an article about the process of moving to Russia that doesn't require one to be a farmer. I have been looking for a group like this but cannot find anything. My gut feeling is if Russia opened the door to westerners I think they would easily get a couple of million skilled and financially stable westerners moving. In a way I reallly do feel politically persecuted in the UK. There is literally nothing a single politicians says that I agree with and MSM is just lies heaped upon lies. Its

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Most of the people who moved to the Rostov area did not come here to be farmers. I earn a living as a journalist. Several of the people here earn money teaching online classes. One man planning to move here has an online job in marketing. Other options include tutoring, web design, computer programming, and numerous other forms of online work. When people first move to Russia, a lot of them teach English.

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Interesting and thanks for the info.

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Greetings Father!

The reasons you listed are honestly the same as mine. If I ever have a family, have kids, I could not in good faith raise them in a culture like modern America today and its trajectory. I am just trying to finish school as fast as I can here with this GI Bill I have for aviation, so I at least have something I can bring to the table when I leave this place. I have two summers left, so 2 years to go...

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Great songs""

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Yes, these are some of my favorites!

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My biggest concern is that the Russian govt could change from being a moral country back to communism with a stroke of a pen.

US nato eu are cancerous.

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Yes, the Russian government now seems bent on establishing digital IDs for everyone, they see value in

Being a part of WHO (I wonder if they are signing on to letting WHO tell them what to do when WHO next declares a pandemic), and many of the elite are pro western liberals who like Covid vaccines and fun times in Europe. Russia seems a bit schizoid right now, not like a truly sovereign, independent country, even though they are pivoting east, they appear to be like Lot’s wife., unable to look away from the west.

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