Proof of claim.

Then independent testing of proof of claim.

Till then - no reason to believe any unsubstantiated claim.

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Is a miraculous appearance of myrrh the most likely explanation? I remember a similar story from not that long ago where the same thing occurred on a statuette of the virgin Mary and testing revealed the ‘tears’ to be olive oil that the owner was applying prior to opening up her house to the credulous—who made a donation or paid an admission charge, I suspect. Also, if the icon is a fresco and there has been recent flooding then perhaps it's just rising damp or efflorescence of some kind. Has the material been chemically tested? Is it indeed myrrh?

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I found this to be an interesting article for several reasons, first if the Icon is streaming myrrh it's astonishing. Second, when the diocese representative explained that an icon can stream myrrh, showing sinners that they are committing spiritual offenses [and that they need to repent].” The thought came to me, repent of what?

Then I understood that what I'm seeing right now could be a reason for repentance. I'm noticing something that seems to be accelerating at a rapid pace in Russia. I don't want to offend anyone, it's just my observation as an outsider (I could be wrong). What I'm seeing is that many people are falling into what I call default mode, stupidity, irresponsibility, and laziness. The worst part is that they wear them as badges of honor, like it's healthy and justifiable. It is not, it's an assault to God and country. The unwillingness to repent is a lesson Jacob had to learn as well. It was only when God touched his heel did God give him his new name. But ridding ourselves of our old nature must come first. I believe that God wants to touch the heel of Russia, but first it must repent. How this happens is up to us. Do we want to continue to walk in our old nature? Or truly be born in the new nature that He wants to bestow on his beloved children.

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