And thus we can now easily discern the real reason why liberal elites in the West want to destroy Russia.

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Jun 17Liked by Fr. Joseph Gleason

They know they must try to destroy Christianity before the way is clear for the antichrist to rule the earth.

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Rubbish the church is part of the establishment in the west and back all the evil things they do

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Most Holy Theotokos save us!

Christ is Ascended….. ☦️⛪✨📿 📖🕯️🔔

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From Earth to Heaven!

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Most Holy Theotokos save us!

Christ is Ascended….. ☦️⛪✨📿 📖🕯️🔔

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From Earth to Heaven!

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Jun 17Liked by Fr. Joseph Gleason

Time to move to Russia.

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And thus we can now easily discern the real reason why liberal elites in the West want to destroy Russia.

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Yes indeed!

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Are these state churches or dissenting churches?

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These churches are part of the Russian Orthodox Church, led by Patriarch Kirill. As far as I know, Russia doesn't have a state church. The church and the govt are two separate and distinct entities.

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In your dreams

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Opinions seem to vary on that but I'm not close enough to have one.

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