Totally support this. Currently Russia's birthrate is 1.4, I think, with an aspiration to take it to 1.8 by 2035. Race replacement rate is 2.11, so there is a way to go. I think focus on the family is the most important issue for the RF (well, aside from NATO's attacks obviously) as this has been the building block for all human societies from Adam and Eve. In honesty, I think the RF should ban abortion except in extremis, and concurrently increase significantly the payment and child support for families. Encourage children, and help families support them, and you will get what you want.

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And the west is still doing the opposite. Good for Russia.

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So the WHO/UN/OWG agenda is pro-family then?

Russia effectively protects families from "health care" abuses?

Russia effectively protects families from the tragic consequences of mass indiscriminate immigration?

Russia effectively protects families from economic exploitation?

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What are you on about dude? What do those alphabet agencies have to do with Russia first off? And yes, Russia does do those things, certainly far better than any western country today!

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