I am an American citizen, born and raised in America. I no longer say, God bless America. I pray for God's judgement, damnation and hell fire to come upon this country. I pray for God to bless Russia and her people.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Fr. Joseph Gleason

I suppose the trouble now is that people are directed by people and no attention is paid to what is morally good and what is bad although a quick look at the Bible gives us guidance. Prayer has been abandoned. The older I get in years the more I realise that guidance from above is needed.

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Very true, Guillaume. Without God's leading, we are lost. We must turn back to Christ so that He will heal our lives.

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ONLY a return to nature (God) will enable us to have a future worth living! The alternative is doom!

Tens of Thousands of Serbs Take to the Streets of Belgrade to Preserve the Traditional Family, Religion, and Moral Values: https://tinyurl.com/2mvtfgvu

Despite the attack of NATO - the West and its so-called "values" - on Yugoslavia, the Serbs have remained sane and not yet morally screwed up like the Ukrainians!

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You are right about your observation! But even these - disgusting - times are necessary for change. This is the only way people - who are mentally healthy - can recognize that a change is urgently needed.

What is happening here are the - widely visible - signs of a declining "civilization". Nobody needs such sick shit!

Don't fixate on the Bible, fixate on your heart, fixate on nature, fixate on a better, a humane future! Ultimately: fixate on the entity GOD!

Neither we don't need false prophets, nor do we need scriptures designed to rule and divide! The Abrahamic writings in particular are not suitable for a peaceful world!

We find truth in Gnosis, the contents of which are universal and can be found in all civilizations around the globe! WE are the change, it is not "served"!

Those who pay attention to this and accept it will create a better - a living worthy - world, even for upcoming generations!

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Damnation will come upon those sick people who dare to impose their stupid, primitive and grotesque views against nature! What presumption that creatures should presume to defy the laws of nature by law! You will fail! It's not any country's fault, it's not the world's fault, there is noch guilt of your country, there is guilt - much guilt - of some very evil people, who are only a few highly perverted and homicidal, unscrupulous and greedy creatures, who are - wrongly - called "elites" who want to diabolically enslave humanity! Not a "savior" nor a party, but WE will be the change the establishment fears!

The age of Kali Yuga is over and the whole system will self-destruct. It is already in the process and this process is irreversible!

We have to go back to where we belong, home, to nature, to God. We finally have to live WITH nature, not against it. And by that I don't mean the false panic-mongering of a power machine that spreads false fears, but conscious, responsible action! Nobody needs the false promises of a dystopian consumer society!

God IS with us - when we open ourselves to this entity - and I do not mean this "sham god" - actually the devil - as described by the Bible. There is no punitive, domineering, angry God. These are the tales of old men who want to dominate the people! We will no longer follow the false prophets!

The entity "God" (nature, creation, environment, universe etc.) is love, is truth, is knowledge and cannot be taken in by any religion! The temple of this entity is nature (of which we are a part).

all the power games and oppressions of the "Olympians" and their henchmen will ultimately prove to be Pyrrhic victories - they are not in accordance with these organizing principles of nature/universe.

Love, compassion, joy, affection, etc. are the real drives for us and anything that contradicts them has no real future. Follow your heart and you will live in abundance and joy - overcome your fear and open your heart to true omnipotence...

Trust yourself, trust the good in the world, trust the entity God and do what your heart tells you, not what criminals tell you! We are living in a (tough) change, but it is unstoppable!

God bless you and all the other good Americans!

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May GOD save you, my friend !!!!!

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Thank God there is a country thayt upholds Christian family values. RUSSIA

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Glory to God!

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What still predominates here 🥴🤮🥵are not values, but - almost pathological - in any case perverse and disgusting symptoms of a dying society!

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Looking forward to learning more. Glory to God!!!

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Glory to God indeed!

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Hope we have the opportunity to chat soon

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It's 5 to 12 to herald a positive future! And by that I don't mean minutes, but seconds and it must be brought about by US, not by the lost ones!

We must not remain in the mistaken assumption that the future will be served to us "bite-sized".

Help yourself, then God will help you too, as the saying goes. There is no "Messiah" coming! It will be neither a Trump nor a Putin, and certainly not Xi Ping! WE are salvation and it will come through ourselves!

The deception of the system will not (want to) change anything about the present situation! A magic word is "WE" and not "I" or others! WE are the change!

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Slowly they crept with their deceit, lies and fraud to this date in America.

“The confession of General Cornwallis to General Washington at Yorktown (Oct. 17, 1781) has been well hidden by historians. History books and textbooks have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century.”

“Jonathan Williams recorded in his “LEGIONS OF SATAN,” 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that “a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.”

Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem a contradiction:

“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”

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Based on my current level of knowledge, I can/must and want to congratulate you!

Even if we - until now - only know excerpts of the real story, you seem to have internalized this?! It's not easy - especially at the moment - to tell the truth!

I think you are absolutely correct? The USA was founded by people who seriously strived for freedom and were inspired by the idea of ​​fraternity.

It is not surprising that there were many Freemasons among these good people when founding the US. The Freemasonry of those days is COMPLETELY different from the high degree Freemasonry which disadvantageously developed later. St. John's Freemasonry (apprentice - journeyman - master) embodied human ideals as can still be found in the US Constitution!

One of my ancestors had a lively correspondence with Benjamin Franklin. In this respect I also know - additionally - some of his personal thoughts! I guess I'm not exaggerating when I call this man one of the most outstanding personalities in the world?!

The American Spirit has been kidnapped AND abused for foreign, evil interests. The same is true of many other things. For example, Freemasonry, EARLY CHRISTIANITY, which is beautyful and whose credo can be found in many other teachings, such as Buddhism, Daoism, etc. There must be an end to people being sent to die - intentionally and out of greed - in the interests of a small minority. They all serve - albeit unconsciously - evil!

The - real - "New World Order" will take place in unison WITH this planet, WITH this nature, i.e. WITH God and not against, as some vile "elites" hope!

The diabolical, mendacious, even deadly promises of a minority will not prevail! We do not find our happiness in consumption - on the outside - but in US!

Hypcratic priests actually preach that one should "fear" God! What a shit! Should one "fear" love and kindness? That's what creatures preach who want to dominate others who are afraid of the truth! "Fear" - at least superficially - one must, however, the devil and his cronies! THE "Evil" may not have a club foot, but it exists!

"The devil's greatest trick was to make people believe he didn't exist!"

I used to be a - typical - materialist, a server of this inhuman system, fast women and expensive cars (or was it the other way around?), luxory here, luxory there and (of course) an atheistic worldview. After my severe - almost fatal (3 resuscitation etc.) - stroke (for which I am extremely grateful today!) - my world view has turned 180°. And that has no more room for lies and superficiality! The only - true - enemy is within ourselves and one has to defeat it! Wheelchair, paralysis, everything has (almost) disappeared.

2 aneurysms burst in the brainstem, massive bleeding, brainstem compression and the doctors had given up on me and gave me no chance of survival. One not: An AMERICAN! He did the - almost - impossible and operated on me a third time!I only can't drive cars etc. anymore!

There are no Americans, no Russians, etc., there is only us! HATE, ENVY, GREED are actually foreign to the human SOUL! They are anchored in our EGO that some creatures abuse!

"Biblewithbrother.com" shares some interesting views and truths?! Brother Nathanael - a former Jew, who turned to an Orthodox priest, isn't exactly 'squeamish' with his assessments! But convince yourself.

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I am seeking the Orthodox Russian Church in Catacombs !!!! Could somebody help me, please, with this extremely important thing for me and my family and friends ?!

My e-mail address is :


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Either gay will be favored and straight will be disfavored, or vice versa.

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Very true! Traditional Christian family values are not compatible with twisted homosexual culture. Either one will prevail and the other will retreat, or else the one will fall and the other will rise. The two cannot peacefully coexist.

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At first I don't think being gay is "reprehensible". In their "own four walls", people should - as long as they do not harm third parties - do what they think is right.

What really bothers me, however, is the attempt - again by a small group of people - to portray "being gay" as socially relevant, which is absolutely not the case. On the one hand, it is about 4% of society, on the other hand, gays and lesbians are guaranteed not to contribute to continued existence.

But it's not even gays and lesbians, it's the - obtrusive - attempt to establish multiple genders (are it 70?) and to present gender as something disposable as a matter of society.

So "positive law" (man-made), against natural laws! With this, creatures exaggerate and are on a level of stupidity and overconfidence that will guaranteed not survive!

In Germany, for example, a total of 374 people have "decided" to be "diverse" in the past 5 years! (0,00045 %) For these "gigantic" numbers, thousands of "gender toilets" were built. This is - practiced - nonsense!

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