World War Now - Current Events Through the Lens of Orthodox Christian Prophecy
A Masterpiece Podcast Series by Conrad Franz & Dimitry Kalyagin
You need to listen to this podcast. Right now. It’s that good.
I have long appreciated the writings of many Orthodox Christian Saints, who provided the Church with a wealth of fascinating prophecies about cataclysmic events destined for the world at the end of time as we know it.
Consider St. Laurence of Chernigov, who went to heaven more than 70 years ago. By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he foresaw the modern war with Ukraine decades before it happened, and he made accurate predictions about events leading up to the war. Consider this quote for instance:
In particular, I am interested in how many of these prophecies involve specific predictions about the future of Russia. Indeed, this is one of the many reasons my family and I left America and moved to Russia.
And now, finally, there is a serious geopolitical podcast, commenting on current world events as seen through the lens of Orthodox Christian prophecy. This is exactly how political analysis should be done, with the Christian faith front and center. It is excellent!
This groundbreaking new podcast is hosted by Conrad Franz and Dimitry Kalyagin, two men who are well versed in their understanding of modern geopolitics. They have solid credentials and an impressive background in Orthodox Christian media. Conrad has worked closely with my friend Steve Turley, and Dimitry has done a lot of work on Jay Dyer’s Ortho forum on Discord. You won’t find a duo better suited for hosting a program on this particular topic.
Before checking out the podcasts, I highly recommend reading their World War Now intro article, explaining why the prophecies of saints are relevant to properly understanding current events.
Then, with eager ears and bated breath, dive into their excellent podcast series. The first three episodes are available here:
Ep. 1 World War Now | Listen now (94 min) | World War Three, Russian Annexation, Saintly Prophecies, and the destruction of the NS 1 & 2 Pipelines
Ep. 2 World War Now | Listen now (95 min) | Is Russia Losing? Africa, OPEC, Lukashenko, fulfilled Prophecies, and more in Ep. 2 of WWN
Ep. 3 World War Now | Listen now | Belarus invading Ukraine?! Surovikin Strikes, Nuclear Winter, Eurasia vs. the UN, and MORE in this packed and info-filled episode of World War Now…
wow! i can’t believe I am just now reading this. thank you so much Father this means alot to us! I will be reaching out. would love to talk more!
Fr. Joseph, please pray for me and my family. Today, I started a new job. I had a 2 hour conversation with a Christian U.S. Navy SEAL about Russia and Putin. Serious Americans want peace with Russia. I am deep in thought. Please pray for me. Thank you.