wow! i can’t believe I am just now reading this. thank you so much Father this means alot to us! I will be reaching out. would love to talk more!

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Fr. Joseph, please pray for me and my family. Today, I started a new job. I had a 2 hour conversation with a Christian U.S. Navy SEAL about Russia and Putin. Serious Americans want peace with Russia. I am deep in thought. Please pray for me. Thank you.

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I'm reading about the Peloponnesian War, the war of thirty years between Sparta and Athen that ended Hellas. It's not that Russia is Sparta or USA is Athen, it's that USA wants to end Russia as a nation. And the reason seems to be that Russia is the last christian and conservative nation, and USA cannot stand that. USA has become an atheist nation ruled by demons. As much as I loved USA and all it stod for, I can see that the rulers of USA has left the road of wisdom and given their soul to The Devil.

How I would love to live in Russia. Like Athens and Sparta, USA has an empire, which it rules with an iron fist. Europe cannot leave the empire, though most europeans would considering not following this road to the end. Europe needs Russia far more than it needs the USA, but europeans still thinks Russia is the old Sovjet Union. Their eyes have become blind to truth. Europe, I'm shouting at you. My shouting is full of love. Europe, turn back to your christian roots. Russia was for seventy years ruled by demons and it has brought the people of Russia back to the it's christian roots. How long will it take for Europe, and are Europe even started? Is Europe going to go through what Russia went through in the twentieth century? Lord, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, who took all sin on him, Save us from the destiny that seems to be ours.

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